Tuesday 7 November 2023

A short walk between meetings


Had a lovely little walk. It was getting a bit dark, like it always does this time of year. Still managed to see a nice bit of wildlife.

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Chasing the reds

It was pretty nice day, although I was only limited to walking the streets as I wanted to get back in time for a call. I decided to go chasing the reds of autumn. When you start looking you see this colour in a lot of people's gardens. It's nice to look up from a phone and just admire the colours.

Of course there are berries everywhere.

Storm Ciaran rolling in from the west. Off to London tomorrow, so that will be interesting. 

And that concludes the little tour of the streets. It was a 20 minute walk all in all, but nice to get out of the house.


Monday 30 October 2023

A brief walk at the pond, maintence happening

Had a pretty nice walk, albeit quite short ad Bella decided she'd seen a scary dog ans wanted tonget out of there.

These red leaves were on a neighbour's acer plant I think.

It was a nice day for a stroll along the brook.

Fungus on a tree

Some clearing going on at the pond. Life jackets seem a bit OTT as it's waist deep here.

Good to see them maintaining the place. It is a protected area. 

Sunday 29 October 2023

Rain Rain Rain

There was plenty of rain today, as there has been for the past few days. More in the forecast too.

Friday 27 October 2023

Birds and cattle as the light fades

It's been a while since I've seen egrets at the pond. Nice to see. 

The Magpie is a cheeky little fella, picking away at the cattle. They cattle seem to like it. A perfect relationship.

So many mushrooms around right now, so expect loads more of these shots. I always hunt around for the red ones. Not always easy to find as they seem to be off the beaten path.

Then i saw an Egret, if I wasn't with Bella I might have got a better shot, but the Egret spotted me and flew off.

This time of year its getting dark pretty early, but always atmospheric. I'm always tempted to not bother going out. Seems cold, damp, muddy, but I'm always glad I do. 

Bella took a dip

And so there ends another day in the books.

Equally, I'm never sure about taking my camera. After all I've walked laps of this pond for over 6 years, what more is there to see? Yet every time I pause for a second I seem to get a different perspective. 

Thursday 26 October 2023

A moody day at the pond

Just some shots from my mid afternoon walk. Clocks change this weekend and I get madly depressed by it every year.

My plan is to try and get out for daytime walks every day. If I don't I may as well hibernate.

Pretty pleased with this shot of a swan. I've been adjusting my settings and shooting on low iso with a faster shutter. Giving a nice dark contrasty look.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

It's damp and autumn - therefore mushrooms

 It's that time of year that I'll be taking a few pics of fungi. The damp conditions are just perfect for it. What I'm not so good at is finding the perfect shot, or indeed taking it! The dynamic range between dark backgrounds and bright white mushrooms always makes it tricky!

Bella's game at the brook. Roll the stick into the water and back out.

The colours on some of the trees are amazing. These trees are in folks gardens, I've not really noticed the woodland ever going as red as this:

And here are the fungi:

This was probably the shot of the day. I love the dark background with bokeh

This guy was trapped in the brook. I'm keeping my eye's peeled for more. The colours are magnificent. 

I was treated to a nice sunset at the end of the day...

Peace and best wishes everyone!!!

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Beautiful day saw a couple of pheasants

A pretty nice walk. There was a bit of rain circling the pond and a few spits. A tiny rainbow over the trees. I saw a pair of pheasants in the grass. Couldn't really get a great shot of them, but it was nice to see. Still fairly dry underfoot, but I'm wearing boots now. Enjoying getting a bit of fresh air, and getting the decent camera out again. The long lens really gives a different perspective on life. The Olympus picks up the colour nicely.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

An evening at the pond


A rather nice evening at Fleet Pond - it's getting dark earlier now, but it's nice to get out and about with some fresh air.

Monday 16 October 2023

A misty morning at the pond

 Was treated to a rather nice morning at the pond on the way to the station. I really do like this time of year and how the seasons's are changing. The heron's have been missing from the pond for a few years. They've been around, but not so prolific. 

Shot two behind the scenes - the whole view. Several cormorants also lurking around on the island. 

I really love how even in a small part of Hampshire there are magical images like this to be made. 

It may be getting colder, but take a look out there and discover the world.

Saturday 14 October 2023

Blustery Day


It was a pretty nice day at the pond. Saw a Red Kite, lots of sunshine and some clouds rolling through. Was fairly windy

Saturday 7 October 2023

A beautiful morning

It was a beautiful morning at the pond. Lovely way to start the weekend. The cattle are back.