Tuesday 24 October 2023

Beautiful day saw a couple of pheasants

A pretty nice walk. There was a bit of rain circling the pond and a few spits. A tiny rainbow over the trees. I saw a pair of pheasants in the grass. Couldn't really get a great shot of them, but it was nice to see. Still fairly dry underfoot, but I'm wearing boots now. Enjoying getting a bit of fresh air, and getting the decent camera out again. The long lens really gives a different perspective on life. The Olympus picks up the colour nicely.

A stunning afternoon

I saw a pair of pheasants in the grass. They were being tricky to photograph

Bella was looking for furry grey things

This plane took off from Farnborough airport, not sure it it's RAF or not.

Just a tiny bit of rain

A rainbow emerges

Bella grabbed a stick so it's home time


  1. Your water pictures are delightful. So is your dog.

    1. Thanks Linda, she is a bit of a character!

  2. Incredible photography, Mark!
    Bella is adorable 🐾


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