Sunday 29 October 2023

Rain Rain Rain

There was plenty of rain today, as there has been for the past few days. More in the forecast too.

The Fleet Pond Society has cleared quite a lot of this area. It looks neat, management of the area is always nice to see. They do a great job.

More Fungi

The Herons are really coming back, it's great to see. The branch where they would sit has gone, so it's a little more tricky to get a shot of them.

All in all feel blessed to be able to spend a bit of time in nature.

Later a walk through brookly gardens as the rain had cleared and the sun was setting.

And a bit of fun to end the day - a knitted topper to a post box.


  1. Beautiful photos. My favorite one is the swan coming toward the camera.

  2. Nature is so beautiful where you live even on a rainy day. I love how Great Blue is hiding in the swamp. And I was surprised to see a swan. We have Tundra Swans in February, they migrate from Alaska to escape the cold and then fly back.
    Great photos!

  3. Love the nature photos. The little cute pumpkins make the day


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