Friday 14 June 2019

Fleet Pond - The rain has stoped and the birds are out

A nice little walk around Fleet Pond at lunchtime. The sun has returned after nearly 5 days of rain. Thank goodness for that. My mood seems to be 100pc tied to the weather. I don't even mind the cold so much. It's a case of the rain rain rain just getting too much. Still, the sun was out today and I loved it. Fairly breezy too, nice to blow away the cobwebs. 

The geese chicks are growing. Mum wasn't best pleased with me and Bella interfering so took them off to the nest. 

Water level 1m - I have no idea of that's high. Maybe I'll start observing it. I rekon it probably is with the amount of rain we've had. 

Bella ran into the cow field. Could have had her head kicked it and died. C was less than impressed when I told her. She she thinks Bella should be on a long line, I can't be bothered with that kind of faff. 

Hope this is now the start of the summer.  

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